Cantus Passionis
The Cantus Passionis of the pre-1955 Holy Week differed from that of the 1955 Holy Week in a few texts, as well as in a Gospel proper, suppressed by the "reform," with its own special tone setting heard only during Holy Week. Below are two files: the cover page image and a PDF of the complete Cantus Passionis. Any office supply store can print both, at a reasonable price. For example, see "Manual Printing".
Cover page image
Cantus Passionis complete
Listen to learn Gospel tone
Click the button to hear the Gospel Tone for Passiontide with notation. This Tone is different from the Tone for the Passion: it is for the Gospel proper which directly follows the singing of the Passion.
Holy Week Ceremonial

Most any Ceremonial from before 1955 will effectively prepare you for Holy Week. The Fortescue 1918 edition is provided here in an abbreviated 74-page PDF. A link to download the full book is also provided. The Memoriale Rituum is a latin manual. Click on the image for the pdf.
Breviary & Missal of Holy Week
Roman Missal 1920
Several things will be needed for the pre-1955 Holy Week. First and foremost, a Missal dated prior to 1955. Also: the Triple Candle for the Saturday Vigil; a purple cloth or carpet to be spread on the bottom step of the Altar for the Adoration of the Cross; folded Chasubles and Broad Stole (if used).
Triple Candle for Holy Saturday

Folded Chasubles and Broad Stole

The will be needed for the Saturday Vigil. The Triple Candle is a "reed" with three candles or if possible one candle that branches into three, which represents the Holy Trinity. The reformed Holy Week replaced this with the Paschal Candle. At each Lumen Christi one of the candles atop the reed are lit.
There are no exact requirements for this object. The important thing is that the candles are fixed firmly and that they have sufficient life to get through the whole liturgy. It is recommended that the handle be of sufficient length for it to be raised for the Lumen Christi. A base will also be needed to hold the reed throughout the remainder of the liturgy. After the signing of
the Exultet it is kept out of the way on the Gospel side.
Some beautiful Holy Week photos can be found at:

Folded chasuble and broad stole are used during Holy Week for Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Good Friday and Parts of the Saturday Vigil. If these cannot be obtained, the Deacon and Subdeacon will not wear vestments, but only the alb and maniple; the Deacon will wear the stole. Folded Chasubles were required only in the "greater churches," so the lack of these should pose no anxiety for the Pastor. It would be quite common in parishes to have the Deacon and Subdeacon in alb with maniple and stole.
Folded chasubles can be made in two ways: first by, taking the front of a common "fiddleback" and pinning up the front as seen in n. 9 of the diagram. The "broad stole," simply the long wide strip of fabric formed like a Deacon's stole, is needed here. However, it does not replace the Deacon's stole and has no signature markings or crosses on it.
The more ancient style would be the use of a more Gothic style vestment rolled up in the front. In this case the broad stole is formed by taking the folded chasuble off the Deacon, then folding it lengthwise and placing it over the left shoulder as usual and tying it at the right hip.
For a fuller explanation on the Folded Chasuble see the Ceremonial of the Roman Rite described by Fortescue in the download above, page 11 and pages 253-255.
For examples of what these look like see the following pages;